Healthy Lifestyle
1 Plant a tree for Mother Earth
Gardening. (Tips: Plant your own papaya tree!)
Support local, sustainable, organically grown crops.
2 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Go paperless, plastic bag-less, Styrofoam-less.
Treasure every single drop of water & resources on earth.
3 Love and Gratitude
Love & appreciate everyone and everything in your life.
Everything that happens in your life is the best arrangement.
4 Religion
Enhance your spiritual mind.
Find the aim of your life.
Live your life to the fullest as you don’t know when it is the last day.
5 Salt therapy
After work, soak leg in ½ pail of warm water
+ 1 teaspoon of Himalaya salt.
(to reduce static, radiation and stress).
6 Sleep
11 pm - 6 am sleep soundly.
Off wifi and all mobile phones, iPad, laptop, desktop, etc.
7 Healthy & balanced diet
Go vegetarian and consume organic food.
Cook yourself.
Consume 2.5 liters of filtered water daily.
8 Enjoy
Enjoy exercise 3 times a week.
Routine & simple life.
9 Contribute
Contribute to the community, environment and earth.
Do not under estimate your little help as it might change a person’s life.
10 Keep learning
Learn new things daily.